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Email:; Contact: 0213-2781456-7

Director’s Message

Dr. Sherwin Rodrigues

Since its inception in 1991 Notre Dame Institute of Education has played a pivotal role in grooming over 1200 BEd and MEd graduates. These enthusiastic and reflective practitioners have been implementing innovative teaching strategies and drawing upon research-based principles of active learning in context to reinvigorate the quality of teacher education in Pakistan.

As a prospective student seeking to be a part of the NDIE community by gaining admission into one of its flagship programmes I encourage you to make the most of your time at the institute through active participation in curricular and co-curricular events. The institute serves as a springboard to hone your pedagogical skills to ultimately become more effective teachers and teacher educators. NDIE’s mission to lead positive change in teacher education in Pakistan can only continue to flourish with self-less teamwork that is spearheaded by the collaborative efforts of its faculty, students and staff.